Sugar from Coconut Sap

In a study conducted by Food and Nutrition Research Institute of the Department of Science and Technology (FNRI-DOST), it is found out that suggested amounts of natural sugar from coconut sap may be a daily sweetener for diabetics.

Using blood samples collected before and after taking the coco sugar from 10 healthy male and female non-diabetics, FNRI-DOST researchers study the glycemic index (GI) of coconut sugar. It revealed that coconut sap sugar did not significantly increase blood glucose levels but was slowly released into the bloodstream.

The blood glucose of the collected samples was analyzed using a clinical chemistry analyzer.

GI is a classification of food based on the blood glucose response to a food relative to a standard glucose solution.

Foods that have GI of 70 or greater are classified as high GI; 56 to 69 is rated medium GI; while 0 to 55 is low GI.

Low glycemic foods control the release of glucose into the bloodstream at a steady and sustained rate, keeping the body’s metabolic processes and energy levels balanced.

With this study, it shows that people eating low glycemic foods can avoid coronary heart disease and Type 2 diabetes, while diabetics eating low glycemic foods can control and manage their diabetes mellitus.

As said by Dr. Trinidad, scientist from DOST, coconut sugar usually has a GI of 35+.

Meanwhile, Dr. Trinidad said that GI of coconut sugar may differ depending on the harvest time and different process procedures of the coconut but researchers still classify coconut sugar as low glycemic index food since its GI value does not exceed more than 55.

Aside from coconut sap, FNRI-DOST also consider sweet potato (kamote), cassava (kamoteng kahoy), taro (gabi) and yam (ube) to have low GI that can be consumed, with recommended amounts, by diabetics.

These foods can help manage glucose levels in the blood, lower, and control triglyceride and lipid levels in the blood, and help with weight loss and maintenance of healthy weight, which is the main aim of diabetics.

Diabetics may now include these foods as part of their daily intake to get the proper nutrients needed in their diet. [via]

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